Thursday, February 3, 2011

Look to Humanism

I keep wondering what Jesus would do with my Association and the President; or Mohamed, or Buddha or any religious icon.  But I keep ending up with an answer that takes the fight and makes it meaningless.  I'm looking for Jihad, struggle, a righteous war.  Over what? 

Safety from some bad neighbors and use of the Clubhouse, it turns out.  That and not living in fear of the Association and the President.  But that last one is a simple choice and the second one isn't worth fighting. struggling, Jihading over.  And I haven't really brought up the most important one, officially.

While the President and a lot of the members of the Association are odd, they aren't dangerous.  And, just because they don't really know how to handle dangerous members, doesn't mean I have to fight them. I do know that this movement doesn't have many more members than the Association has board members.

Than just tells me that the vast majority of the people just don't care.  And why should they care if I can't use the stupid Clubhouse?  That scary people visit my neighbor? That I want to get rid of the old regime and put in a new regime that will be bad, unresponsive and fearful in new ways? Why should anyone care?

I just assumed that because one person made a mistake, refused to admit she made a mistake and didn't apologize about the time it took for me to rectify the mistake - that she was making a mistake about all the things I didn't like about the Association.  No.  All she was doing was proving to me that she is a member of my race.  Human.

And, instead of doing anything Human about it, I was mean.  And she continues to do nothing.  Just like Buddha it turns out.  Maybe we have more in common than I thought.

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