Monday, November 28, 2011

Dogs Do DoDo On Balcony

This cannot be legal, can it?  Here are the facts.  Every morning between 4:30 and 5:00 a.m. the upstairs sliding glass door rumbles open, the clicky clack of little doggy feet are heard and, moments later, the door rumbles closed.  Then the smell of dogie feces and urine bakes in the warm California sun.

I think the door noise, which has waked us from a sound sleep well before 7:00 a.m. for the last five mornings, can be construed as illegal.  Doggy doo on the patio?  Unsanitary, stinky, absolutely disgusting but illegal?  You can bet we'll be finding out!  Dogs who sound like they're locked in the bathroom barking all day?  Hmmm.

Advice to the upstairs neighbors: Walk your fucking dogs!  Walk them in the morning and at night so they can do their business without waking up the neighbor with a blog about your complex!  Alternatively, leave the sliding glass door open so the dogs can do their business without waking up the neighbor with a blog about your complex.  Oh, and get ready to have the woman you rent from come unglued about what your dogs are doing to her balcony...

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